
Speech Therapy and Audiology

Speech Therapy

Although Speech-Language Therapy encompasses a wide field of treatment, LOURENS Speech Therapy has a specific (although not exclusive) focus on the evaluation and treatment of speech, language and swallowing disorders related to neurological impairments. We work in both the paediatric and the adult populations. As Speech Therapists we are well aware of how incredibly important communication is to a person and his independent functioning. But as therapists working in the field of rehabilitation we have also come to appreciate the need for a Speech Therapist to have a degree of understanding of the functioning of the rest of the body, as well as to be able to work within a team context where our therapy goals are often dependent and/or intertwined with those of the physiotherapist, occupational therapist and psychologist. With this in mind, our speech therapists are all trained in the BOBATH concept with a holistic team approach to patient treatment.

Core Services & Products


Speech & Communication difficulties due to...


Speech & Communication difficulties due to...

Hearing-Aid Acoustics


Hearing is an essential part of effective verbal communication. Loss of hearing can hinder normal speech and language development in children, cause communication breakdown, and over the long term, lead to social isolation. It is our desire to assist you with sensitivity to better understand your own hearing, the impact it has on your daily functioning, and what can be done to get access to optimal communication function again. At the end of the day it is our hope that we can assist you to achieve a better quality of life.

Core Services & Products


A full diagnostic hearing test takes about 45 minutes to complete (+15 minutes feedback). The results obtained from the test gives us an accurate idea of


Depending on the type and degree of your hearing loss, intervention will be recommended. This might include


If you have a permanent hearing loss, hearing aids can assist you in achieving functional communication (and hopefully a more harmonious relationship with your spouse or significant other).


If you are exposed to high noise levels in your workplace or during social events (hunting, clubbing, woodwork, etc.)

When do I come for a hearing test?

  • When you have difficulty hearing speech clearly when there is background noise.
  • When it feels like people are mumbling when they don’t look at you when they speak.
  • When you frequently experience ringing in your ears (e.g. sunbeetle noise).
  • When you have to put the radio or TV volume very loud to hear it.
  • When you have to frequently ask people to repeat what they have said.

10 Cool Facts about Hearing

How you hear naturally is fascinating.

Think about it. All of the components of this intricately designed process must work at peak function to carry waves in the air around you to your brain, where they are understood as distinct sounds. Hearing allows you to communicate, learn, experience, and enjoy the world around you.


  • The smallest bones are the ossicles in the middle ear: the incus, themalleus, and the stapes (also called the anvil, hammer, and stirrup).
  • The inner ear is no larger than a pencil eraser in circumference.
  • Your sense of hearing is dependent upon tiny hairs deep inside your ear. If you lose these hairs, you lose your hearing.
  • You do not need to clean wax out of your ears unless you have an abnormal condition. Ears push excess wax out as needed.
  • The majority of individuals suffering from hearing loss are under the age of 65.
  • The number one cause of hearing loss is exposure to excessively loud sounds (85 decibels or higher).
  • Your hearing can be damaged permanently even after a single incident of exposure to extremely loud noise (shotgun blast, explosion, etc.).
  • Your ears never stop hearing, even when you sleep. Your brain just ignores incoming sounds.
  • Your ears are more than just necessary for hearing; they also help you keep your balance.
  • Not all living creatures hear with ears. Snakes use jawbones, fish respond to pressure changes, and male mosquitoes use antennae.

Speech and Audiology Team

Dirk Lourens

Senior Therapist

(B Speech Lang Hearing (US); Adv Dip HAA (UP); M Human Rehab (US); Bobath.) Co-founder of StepMed in 2011. Special interests in dysphagia and acute stroke management.

Ronel Lourens

Senior Therapist

 (B Speech Lang Hearing (US); Adv Dip HAA (UP); NDT; Bobath). Co-founder of StepMed in 2011. Special interests in neurology and neonatal therapy.

Holly Baker

Junior Therapist

(BSc Speech-Language Pathology (UCT))

Carmen Kifouani

Junior Therapist

(BA Speech & Hearing Therapy (Wits))

Jaimee Schoeman

Junior Therapist

(B Speech-Lang Hearing (US))